Friday, 9 March 2012

My Siren

People are coming. Telephones are ringing. Reports are all over the news. Meetings to be done. Studies to be analyzed. Solutions to be thought of. Rules to be implemented. Everything is a rush. All is a mess.
The increase of deaths is very alarming. And now people are pointing on who's at fault. I have to be the tiebreaker. It is hard to be at this side especially when lives are at risk. But I have to do my part. I hear screams of mothers, gasping for breath, the ultimate sacrifice just to let their poor innocent child know this God-given world. I hear cries of fathers, children and relatives at the realization of their loss. I hear disappointment, anguish and despair. I hear remorse of doctors and nurses for not being able to hold the end of one's being. I hear the worries of the aspiring mother's to be.
I hear it all. I have to. Something must be done to stop this. Solutions at every way possible must be considered.
My people, I hear your qualms. I hear the urgency of this matter. At the least time taken I will hear the causes and effects. To the mother's to be and the families I deeply regret your cries but I can hear them and I feel for them. I hear my call. My call of responsibility.

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