Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Certainty AMIDST Uncertainty

            Have you ever heard of the word “unsure”? Have you ever tried to have second thoughts on something? Or have you ever experienced the fact that you are so in doubt that you’re stuck and dumbfounded? I have. Many times actually.
            Uncertainty is very common to us. But the mere fact that we are uncertain means that we are young. Still naïve of the things to be done that it leaves us to pause and think right through it. No matter how hard you try and no matter how stable you want something to be there’s always going to a weak spot, an Achilles Heel. And that weak spot can be toxic; it would poison all your stable points and make your whole foundation go crumbling down. Therefore, giving you doubts of your work. It’s a funny thing actually, how one contour of the building could affect the whole size and shape. How one brittle brick can make the whole wall go down. And how one single lie told could make all your truths be in the hot seat.
            Weakness leads to uncertainty. That’s the main point. People try their hardest to make everything perfect but if one single line is not straight they would think it would all be ruined. So how does a person live through it? With all the countless reasons for us to doubt everyone and everything, how does a person sleep calmly at night?
            Its faith my friends. Faith with a little touch of trust. Faith, that your strong spots would overcome your weak spots. Trust, that you made your stable points strong enough not to go down. Trust, in your abilities that one out-shaped contour would actually be a new unique thing that people would soon learn to love. Faith, that your brittle brick won’t let the whole wall be damaged. Faith and trust to that certain person who once told you a lie will never again do that. It’s simply faith and trust. Two values one must learn in order to live a life with no worries. It is within your faith and trust with yourself and with the Lord God that you would be able to live a happy life despite the obstacles. So you see, even when there are still topsy-turvy’s in your life you could have trust and faith that it would all be okay. Trust in God and trust in your abilities. Have faith in God and have faith in yourself. And let fate work its way to yours. That is for certain. 

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